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Animal - Neon Trees

자주 듣는 라디오 음악 체널에서 거의 하루에 한번 꼴로 나오는 노래.
(어쩌면 하루에 두번도 더 나왔을지도 모른다)
처음엔 뭐랄까 지나치게 나른한 느낌의 보컬이 어색했는데
들으면 들을 수록 목소리와 창법이 묘하게 중독적이었다다.

결국 [이 곡은 제목이 뭘까?] 하는 생각이 들어 찾아보려 했으나
안타깝게도 영어는 젬병이라 몇달동안(정말로)
머릿속에 아른거리기만하고 곡의 이름도 부른 가수도 모르고 있었다.
나름 가사 몇줄 듣고 가사 검색도 해봤는데
알아듣기 쉬운 부분은 노래가 너무 많이 나오고
알아 듣기 어려운 부분은 전혀 딴문장으로 기억해서 좌절만 계속되었는데...;

그러다 우연히 네이버앱의 음악 검색기능으로 찾아보니

바로 나오네ㄱ-;;;

그동안 내가 한 삽질은 OTL

Neon Trees - Animal

We play pretend
You're just a cannibal

And I'm afraid I wont get out alive
No I won't sleep tonight

Oh, oh
I want some more
Oh, oh
What are you waitin' for?
Take a bite of my heart tonight
Oh oh
I want some more
Oh oh
What are you waitin' for?
What are you waitin' for?
Say goodbye to my heart tonight

Here we are again
I feel the chemicals kickin' in
It's gettin' heavier
I wanna run and hide
I wanna run and hide

I do it every time
You're killin' me now
And I won't be denied by you
The animal inside of you

Oh, oh
I want some more
Oh, oh
What are you waitin' for?
Take a bite of my heart tonight.
Oh oh
I want some more
Oh oh
What are you waitin' for?
What are you waitin' for?
Say goodbye to my heart tonight

Hush, hush
The world is quiet
Hush, hush
We both can't fight it
It's us that made this mess
Why can't you understand?
Whoa, I won't sleep tonight

I wont sleep tonight

Here we go again
Here we go again
Here we go again

Oh, oh
I want some more
Oh, oh
What are you waitin' for?
Take a bite of my heart tonight.
Oh oh
I want some more
Oh oh
What are you waitin' for?
What are you waitin' for?
Say goodbye to my heart tonight.

Oh, oh
I want some more
Oh, oh
What are you waitin' for?
Take a bite of my heart tonight.
Oh oh
I want some more
Oh oh
What are you waitin' for?
What are you waitin' for?
Say goodbye to my heart tonight.

Oh, oh
I want some more
Oh, oh
What are you waitin' for?
Take a bite of my heart tonight.
Oh oh
I want some more
Oh oh
What are you waitin' for?
What are you waitin' for?
Say goodbye to my heart tonight

  * 이 포스트는 blogkorea [블코채널 : WILLIAM의 음악 이야기입니다. ^^] 에 링크 되어있습니다.