나만의 삶Identity - 훌리오 노보아 폴란코Julio Noboa Polanco
종종 가던 카페에 올라와 있던 시. 시 밑에 남겨져 있던 한마디가 머릿속에서 오랫동안 잊혀 지지 않았다. [저도 잡초가 되렵니다] Identity Julio Noboa Polanco Let them be as flowers, always watered, fed, guarded, admired, but harnessed to a pot of dirt. I'd rather be a tall, ugly weed, clinging on cliffs, like an eagle wind-wavering above high, jagged rocks. To have broken through the surface of stone, to live, to feel exposed to the madness of the va..